Wednesday, March 31, 2010

102-7. Blog race, anyone?

Once again our blogging endeavours are being spiced up by a friendly race! Ayşe and Ezgi O. (the lovely roommates) have kicked off this semester's competition...Bahar, Gamze and Melek quickly weighed in with their determination, and for a bit it looked as if this would be a female-dominated race, or "cat fight" as Ayşe termed it - but wait! now Onur wants a piece of the action! The prize is up for grabs!

Well, this is some formidable competition - anyone care to take these bloggers on?

'Race to infinity' by The iconoclastic yet iconic ionic icon, licenced under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike 2.0.


  1. Hahahaha^^
    A rather provoking post Sonja, but I think I'll skip this one..I like to do things at my own pace, so being in a race would cause too much stress for me =/
    Self-motivation rocks =P
    I'll continue to write regularly though, so don't forget about my blog please :)
    Best of luck to the competitors!! I'm curious about the result already..

  2. dearest sonja,
    i know im a bit behind at the race because of the essays and midterms but i will be back soon as soon as possible with a lot of interesting and useful posts:D
    c y'all u soon


I really appreciate your comments! :)