Wednesday, December 23, 2009

25. Lots of little Sonjas

This week I've asked you all to brainstorm possible questions for the final essay, and you've come up with an impressive list. I do hope you will license your work under Creative Commons 3.0 so that I can use these questions with future students. ;-)

I also said that you have the opportunity to choose one of these questions and do a practice essay - on your blog. Please also mention how much time you spent planning, writing and proofreading. I will give you a 'grade' and some feedback so that you are fully aware of what to expect in the final exam. You can also visit my office and look at some of the in-class essays from last year.

Here are your marvellous questions:

Section A3:
  • Explain voyeurism by using "The enormous radio" and "A woman on a roof."
  • Discuss the idea of women's place in society by using "TV: the plug-in drug" and "Marked women".
  • Compare and contrast how men and women are marked in "Marked women".
  • In the story "The man who was almost a man", the protagonist Dave associates manhood with a gun because of cultural and social values. State and explain what values these could be.
  • Criticise the effects of media and ads about marking women by considering "Killing us softly 3".
  • Enumerate the facts why Dave in "The man who was almost a man" applied to power that came from a gun.
Section B3:
  • What is a 'man'? Define and explain with specific references to "Tough guise" and "The man who was almost a man" by comparing and contrasting the two.
  • Explain the relationship between "TV: the plug-in drug" and "Reality TV: a dearth of talent and the death of morality".
  • Analyse the symbols in "The man who was almost a man" and "A woman on a roof".
  • Examine the notion of voyeurism in "The enormous radio" with reference to Peters' text "When reality TV gets too real".
Section C3:
  • Compare and contrast Cheevers' story and Winn's article by considering the effects of the technological instruments.
  • Define masculinity and enumerate its qualities according to Katz and Wright.
  • Apply the concepts in the texts by Kilbourne, Lessing and Tannen to your culture and analyse which motives could be behind these concepts with reference to your own experience.
  • Define how women are marked in Tannen's article and Kilbourne's film and apply these concepts to Turkish culture.
  • Discuss whether Dave from "The man who was almost a man" fits the figure that Katz was talking about.
  • Define voyeurism and evaluate whether it is ethical or not by giving examples from the Cheevers story.
Section D3:
  • Analyse the woman on the roof in Lessing's story according to Tannen's text "Marked women".
  • What are the reasons that encourage people to be voyeuristic? Support your answer with "The enormous radio" and "The woman on a roof".
  • Argue how the media encourages male violence with reference to "Tough guise" and "Killing us softly 3".
  • Discuss your views on whether reality TV is good or bad by referring to the ideas of Winn and Poniewozik.


  1. Sonja Can asked me to send our questions to him and you did it before me thanks :)

  2. by the way I really like the little :)


I really appreciate your comments! :)